Yankee, Yorkie Jay Jay and Me

Yankee, Yorkie Jay Jay and Me

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Dirty Thirty, plus One

People always ask me what is it like to be 30? Most of people are younger wives who tremble at the thought of being 25...Ha! I am always told I don't "look" 30. What does 30 even look like??? I have no idea.

You can't say I dress like a teenager, I believe boobies, bellies and butts should be covered but not by a burka. To look attractive but not alluring, the "goodies" aren't nearly as good if everyone gets to see them. And those micro mini skirts, if I can see your undies or lack there of, it cannot count as clothing!

I am waiting for Yankee to join the "Thirty Club" as I call it. He seems a little nervous but I'm sure he'll be just fine. I am hoping in 20 years for a George Clooney look alike.

I can only say that the clarity of life and being limited only by your own dreams (AKA bank account) is pretty amazing. You get to be yourself and say "this is me, take it or leave it".

I am blessed to have a great family, good friends and an unbelievable husband that shows me everyday the definition of love. To faithfully go where God leads me, be surprised along the way and to land where I am needed. That is Thirty-One for me.

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