Yankee, Yorkie Jay Jay and Me

Yankee, Yorkie Jay Jay and Me

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Big "D"

I am a horrible blogger...maybe this year, I will actually commit to blogging and be successful at keeping that commitment. The Big "D" as I refer to it, is Yankee's upcoming deployment to a not so great location that we are suppose to be bringing soldiers home from (end rant). We have briefings to attend and papers to sign, along with pages of packing lists and reminder lists. That is the Army side of it, the business of being deployed. My side of it, is the emotional side, the hard talks, the hard questions and even the harder answers. Of course Big "D" gets me thinking, mostly it is the elephant in the room, the lump in my throat at the words of a song, other times it pours down and covers me in doubt and fear. Those times are the hardest, I can usually push it away or keep it at bay but occasionally it gets me and won't let go. We have a rule, that we can talk about it whenever we have the need, that helps. No pressure to get it all out but let it come when it does. I expect as the holidays near that it will come more often and I am ready. Yankee joined the military in a time of war, we knew it was when not if. We are so grateful to have had 4.5 years without a deployment, time to adjust, time to reflect and time to grow. We have made a Predeployment Bucket List, of five fun things from each of to do before "D" day. Today, we did one of my picks, touring The Hermitage, Home of President Andrew Jackson. It was an enjoyable afternoon, just to two of us, making a memory together.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Summer is fading away...

I can't believe that I am this horrible of a blogger! We have been in the house about 6 months and it is finally decorated thanks to much assistance from Yankee and Mom. Just a little tinkering needed, along with closet cleaning. We have been through all the boxes, I am determined not to have any junk...I will not move crap all over the world! Please remind me I said this next time we move and I "think" I really need something. Yankee and I both need to narrow down our wardrobes, we have tons of winter clothing that we will probably not wear here but maybe we can just save it for when we end up in Germany...fingers crossed! Being back in the US has positives and negatives. Wow, stuff here is expensive. Cell phones and cable and groceries. Oh my! Driving again has been interesting, I never liked driving. I didn't get my license till I was 17 and 9 months...really I prefer to be chauffeured. I am however wonderful with GPS, maps and general sense of direction so being the "Navigator" is what Yankee calls me. Not sure if he means it as a compliment or not... Life is good, just as the shirt says. Yankee and I are working on the Go Commando Run, Yankee is doing the half marathon (injury willing) and I am doing a 5k. For a girl who has not run since 8th grade cross country this is sort a big deal. 3.2 miles is very intimidating! My plan is to run/walk and goal is under 50 minutes. I can walk the 3.2 right now but running has been challenging, I run a day and then have to rest the next 2 days from my back/neck issues so I trying to find an answer to solve these pains. Yankee re-enlisted for another 5 years in May. We are trying to ride out this economic crisis before we make other plans, not sure what the future holds, just taking it one day at a time. He's working on a promotion and we will be so excited for that day, we might just have a big party! Summer is fading and we are making plans for the Fall. We hope to be able to put in a firepit and pavers for a patio. Also on the list is landscaping for the front yard, a pebble path in the back and an outdoor shower. I have a few DITY projects, an upholstered headboard in the guest room, the Turgot 1739 map of Paris (I have the map in pieces, I need to decoupage it to plywood, it is 93" x 101" so that is a huge project) and some touch up painting in the house from banging the walls at move in. Working on the Christmas card next week...sweaters and scarves in 85 degrees will be fun and i have to dig out the wreath for the front door...it would be wierd to have the summer one in the photo. I would love for precious dog (aka Jay Jay) to be in it as well, so I might have to postpone until she gets here. You know my parents and I have a joint custody arrangement for precious dog, who just turned 10 on August 16th. Since I have bored you all and am starting to bore myself...Ciao!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I don't know how you do it

I hear that phrase all the time...usually by our non military friends trying to imagine themselves in our lives or in reference to how I am a SAHW (stay at home wife). Really it is not such a bag gig but I do more than watch soap operas and eat bon bons!
I love my life, I love cooking, I hate cleaning but I get lots of help, and I love helping my hubby have a great day...I would love to have me as a wife! That is the secret do the things that you would like if you had a "SAHW".
Packing Yankee's lunch not only saves me an estimated $50 a week ($10 a day X 5 days) and I know he is getting proper nutrition. Cooking for dinner also saves tons of money and I get to monitor our nutrition goals. We both feel better and look better when we eat healthy and fresh foods. Not that I don't have pizza once and again!
Here is how I usually work my weeks:
Mondays - Me Day, after the week I am tired so each Monday is my day for me, no cleaning just doing little things I want.
Tuesdays - Bathrooms, a quick weekly cleaning keeps it all shiny and fresh. Grocery Run unless it is pay day then I just wait a few extra days...I don't go on post on a pay day!
Wednesdays - My laundry...part of this happy marriage is separated laundry bins and we each are responsible for our own clothes. Not that I don't wash something if he really needs it.
Thursdays - Weekend Prep, clean sheets are put on the bed and a quick overall pickup and trash run, along with dishes
Fridays - Lately we have had 3 day weekends so my Fridays are getting messed up but Friday I like to go over plans for the weekend and get extra things done .
Saturdays - Nothing specific, sometimes Yankee's laundry
Sunday - Trash pick up is on Monday morning so we get all the trash out on Sunday night and usually we have plenty to pick up from the weekend.
So that the run down, sometimes more if we have friends/family coming over, sometimes less if I'm not in the mood. This keeps things running pretty well and from getting too out of control...which is the way it is right now. We were gone Fri-Sun, then I was sick yesterday so I am running behind this week and with Mom coming on Sunday, I have got to get back on schedule so we can have fun next week.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday Night is Date Night

Yankee and I have Wednesday Date Night, usually to Starbucks for 1 hour without electronics. How do we survive? They (the cellphones) can go for a car ride for safety reasons but they are not allowed inside.

This works really well for us, we have been doing these little dates for about 5 years now. I'm trying not to think about all the $$$ Starbucks has made off us!

More importantly, by the time it is Wednesday, we are tired, disconnected and just running on empty. I always think just make it to Wednesday night and then the weekend is almost here.

We have had some life changing conversations on those Wednesday night dates. In Texas we would get our drinks to go and drive to the DFW airport observation area. Here in Tennessee we are still looking for a great quiet spot. The local Starbucks never seems to have the atmosphere we crave...there are always people talking on cell phones and screaming kids. We are going to check out a local place next week and hope to find something more our style.

Yes, we even had these dates in Korea. More often than not we had to make our own coffee but we did ride the bus to town a few times.

Find something that works for your relationship. Steal a few minutes away from the world and make it count.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Summer No Cook Roll Ups

Shred 3-4 whole carrots
Julienne 1/2 an onion
Sliced avocado
In a bowl add 3Tbs of Balsamic Vinegar to carrots and onion
4 Slices of Ham per person (turkey or chicken work too)
Lettuce, I like butter lettuce but spinach and romaine work just as well

Assembly Time
Lay out 1 slice of ham, add lettuce then add carrot onion mixture top with avocado slice and roll it up. Keep doing this until you have made 4 rolls per person.

As is this recipe makes 8 rolls enough for Yankee and I. If you can't give up a carb just put it on a wheat tortilla.

I love the light, fresh taste and the amount of veggies. You could easily add cucumber slices to this and any other raw veggies you like. I think I might try a peanut sauce on it next time instead of the balsamic to change it up. This is also a great appetizer for a party. Just be sure to keep it on ice to keep the meat from getting warm. You can even reverse the ham and lettuce and use the lettuce as the base. Possibilities are endless.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Dirty Thirty, plus One

People always ask me what is it like to be 30? Most of people are younger wives who tremble at the thought of being 25...Ha! I am always told I don't "look" 30. What does 30 even look like??? I have no idea.

You can't say I dress like a teenager, I believe boobies, bellies and butts should be covered but not by a burka. To look attractive but not alluring, the "goodies" aren't nearly as good if everyone gets to see them. And those micro mini skirts, if I can see your undies or lack there of, it cannot count as clothing!

I am waiting for Yankee to join the "Thirty Club" as I call it. He seems a little nervous but I'm sure he'll be just fine. I am hoping in 20 years for a George Clooney look alike.

I can only say that the clarity of life and being limited only by your own dreams (AKA bank account) is pretty amazing. You get to be yourself and say "this is me, take it or leave it".

I am blessed to have a great family, good friends and an unbelievable husband that shows me everyday the definition of love. To faithfully go where God leads me, be surprised along the way and to land where I am needed. That is Thirty-One for me.

Crustless Quiche, new addiction

Quick and Easy Crustless Quiche
(also low carb since there is no crust)

*1/2 onion
saute until transparent
*1 c of spinach or a combination of other veggies, add to onion, saute until tender
*1/2 c of meat or faux meat, I just eyeball it
(morningstar farms veg sausage is pretty yummy in here for you vegetarians)
*Grease a pie dish and add veggies and meat then sprinkle with 1/4 c of cheese,
any kind you like, you can add more but that adds calories and fat
*4 eggs, salt and pepper to taste and 1 c of skim milk, beat with mixer until foamy
*Add 2 Tbs of flour (the secret) and beat on high for 1 minute
*Pour the mixture over the veggies and meat
*Cook on 350 for about 30 minutes, then add just a sprinkle of cheese on top
*Broil for 2-3 minutes until bubbly and lightly browned
Take it out and let if cool for a few minutes to finish "setting" then slice and enjoy. Great make ahead for busy mornings!

You can make this mexican style with peppers and onions, traditional french with ham, cheese and nutmeg or anything in between. Just keep with 4 eggs, 1 c of skim milk and the secret 2 tbs of flour. I have not used whole wheat flour, though it would probably be fine. I developed this recipe when I was looking for the perfect quiche and I make it about once a week, altering the veggies and meat each time.