Yankee, Yorkie Jay Jay and Me

Yankee, Yorkie Jay Jay and Me

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Summer is fading away...

I can't believe that I am this horrible of a blogger! We have been in the house about 6 months and it is finally decorated thanks to much assistance from Yankee and Mom. Just a little tinkering needed, along with closet cleaning. We have been through all the boxes, I am determined not to have any junk...I will not move crap all over the world! Please remind me I said this next time we move and I "think" I really need something. Yankee and I both need to narrow down our wardrobes, we have tons of winter clothing that we will probably not wear here but maybe we can just save it for when we end up in Germany...fingers crossed! Being back in the US has positives and negatives. Wow, stuff here is expensive. Cell phones and cable and groceries. Oh my! Driving again has been interesting, I never liked driving. I didn't get my license till I was 17 and 9 months...really I prefer to be chauffeured. I am however wonderful with GPS, maps and general sense of direction so being the "Navigator" is what Yankee calls me. Not sure if he means it as a compliment or not... Life is good, just as the shirt says. Yankee and I are working on the Go Commando Run, Yankee is doing the half marathon (injury willing) and I am doing a 5k. For a girl who has not run since 8th grade cross country this is sort a big deal. 3.2 miles is very intimidating! My plan is to run/walk and goal is under 50 minutes. I can walk the 3.2 right now but running has been challenging, I run a day and then have to rest the next 2 days from my back/neck issues so I trying to find an answer to solve these pains. Yankee re-enlisted for another 5 years in May. We are trying to ride out this economic crisis before we make other plans, not sure what the future holds, just taking it one day at a time. He's working on a promotion and we will be so excited for that day, we might just have a big party! Summer is fading and we are making plans for the Fall. We hope to be able to put in a firepit and pavers for a patio. Also on the list is landscaping for the front yard, a pebble path in the back and an outdoor shower. I have a few DITY projects, an upholstered headboard in the guest room, the Turgot 1739 map of Paris (I have the map in pieces, I need to decoupage it to plywood, it is 93" x 101" so that is a huge project) and some touch up painting in the house from banging the walls at move in. Working on the Christmas card next week...sweaters and scarves in 85 degrees will be fun and i have to dig out the wreath for the front door...it would be wierd to have the summer one in the photo. I would love for precious dog (aka Jay Jay) to be in it as well, so I might have to postpone until she gets here. You know my parents and I have a joint custody arrangement for precious dog, who just turned 10 on August 16th. Since I have bored you all and am starting to bore myself...Ciao!

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